AAW Homepage

Northland Woodturners Group - KC

(A Proud Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners Since 2001)

Our Mission:

The Northland Woodturners Group was founded in 2001 as a means to promote and share the art and craft of woodturning with people who are interested in learning how to make functional objects as well as beautiful pieces of art from wood. We are a member of the American Association of Woodturners, which is an organization dedicated to woodturning recognized both nationally and internationally.


The Northland Woodturners Group has a new location.
The address is: 67305 NW Prairieview Road, Platte Woods. Across the street from Platte Woods United Methodist Church. Look for the Address Post in the front yard. Circle drive in front entrance in back

Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 7:00pm.

navigation note: Click on the logo in the upper-left corner on any subsequent page to return to the home page

The pictures in the slideshow can be random pictures or pictures of a special event or last months demo or whatever we want to put in there (I think a limit of 10 pictures would be sufficient

Northland woodturners has a new location. See above for new address!!